MCS services South East Queensland including greater area of Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast

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Timber Floor Drying


Brand new built, three level house was approximately 2-3 weeks from completion. Drive-way was washed and sealed on the weekend. Unknowingly when the water was turned on, the ensuite water pipe was not capped on the third level.

Water Damage

Water flowed out of the ensuite (affected vanity bench) onto particle timber floor affecting floor, lower walls and base plates in the main bedroom, three internal steps and along hallway around stairwell into front room on level 3. An engineered American oak solid timber floor existed on level 2 which was affecting from commencement of front hallway up one step and around internal stairwell including floor under stairs from level 3, up three steps onto the combined dining/living room and kitchen (built on top of the timber floor). One wall on level 1 slightly affected (store room back of garage).

Complication, no power – Equipment required will use 100-110amps of power. Large generator was installed on site until power was connected approximately four days later. Generator had to be turned off at night due to noise which limits drying progress.

Containment Walls

In order to aid drying, the affected timber floor needs to be contained as best possible. As this damage covered two levels, MCS installed 28 metres of walls covering 85sqm in area. All openings inside such areas need to be covered with plastic as well (holes for lights, power points, vents etc.).

Drying Equipment

Twenty-five heat mats of various sizes were installed to cover the majority of the affected floor which required six boost boxes (these generate heat through holes of the heat mat) and two drymatic units to control the internal environment to further enhance drying conditions.

One dehumidifier was installed in the study room where packaging was open of white goods to ensure these were totally dry.

After the timber floor was dried and to minimise time delays, it was acclimatised (bringing top, middle and bottom of timber floor into equilibrium). This job required 19 days to completely dry the affected area after which the timber floor required a slight sand and stain to restore it to a pre-loss condition.