Moisture Control Professional Services

Clandestine Drug Lab

We have the expertise, assessment skills, remediation ability and experience to totally resolve any issues you have in regards to Meth/Drug Lab clean-ups.

Overview of Drug Lab Remediation

Moisture Control Services services include pre sampling, site remediation and post sampling to ensure your property can be safely re-occupied.  We havcethe expertise, assessment skills, remediation ability and experience to totally resolve any issues you have in regards to Meth Lab clean-ups.

A clandestine drug laboratory (or ‘clan lab’) is any site associated with the process of attempting to manufacture illicit drugs. Most commonly, clan labs are located in residential rental properties.

Meth Lab Remediation Process:

The Clan lab residual comes to rest on a surface and will:

The adhesion, adsorption and absorption behavior of substrate material determines the remediation strategy to select to deal with methamphetamine contamination. In order to determine the level of contamination and the area to be remediated it is recommended (as per Guidelines), to establish and conduct a pre remediation swab sampling program of the property by a qualified Clandestine Drug Lab Testing Technician (Moisture Control Services is qualified).

Moisture Control Services seeks information from our client as to the location of the lab provided by police, based upon this information and inspection of premises a pre-remediation sampling program will be formulated and swabs taken. This will normally include at least one swab per room and are sent to a NATA accredited laboratory for analyses.

Australian Government Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Guidelines1 stipulates that swabs taken consist of sampling a 10cm by 10cm square area (100cm2) which is numbered with the swab used. If the pre-remediation sampling comes back with a room(s) or area(s) that is above acceptable guidelines (methylamphetamine at a level of greater than 0.5 micrograms (ug) per 100cm2 is consider unacceptable) such areas would require decontamination by Moisture Control Services. Based upon this information MCS will develop a Remediation Action Plan (RAP – detailed scope of works and OH&S matters included) which clearly stipulates what areas are to be remediated, the process to adopt and OH&S issues. From this a quote to complete this work will be provided to our client.

At the completion of the remediation process post sampling takes place and these results will validate that the premises have been successfully treated and it is safe to re-inhabit the property. On rare occasion a room or area may require a second treatment before complete clearance is obtained.

Other situation with this type of work is the need to dispose of remaining contents since it is assumed they are contaminated and normally of little value. Also we incur properties where the power has been disconnected and in cases like this we use our portable generator which is hired out.

Sampling area can vary from 10cm by 10cm to 30cm by 30cm in size. Each area is pre-numbered.


Taking swab of the area