MCS services South East Queensland including greater area of Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast

Our Work Gallery

We guarantee customer satisfaction. In the unlikely situation that you are not happy with our job we will re-attend and rectify the item requested. If this cannot be achieved to your satisfaction we will refund you the value of this work.

Water Damage of Commercial Property


Heavy rainfall from a large storm event had led to an undiscovered roof leak that was the source of the water damage to this business. The water travelled through the roof and down the walls of the building. Occupants mopped up water so they could continue to trade. Property Manager requested MCS to assess the building structure.

Affected areas and initial remediation

Furniture was moved aside to access the lower walls of the affected areas. Using our Tramex Encounter Plus moisture meter water damaged walls were detected and mapped in three rooms and hallway (treatment room / consult room and kitchen). Plastic covering existed as the skirting board. This was removed off the wall and holes drilled below the height of the covering in order to allow air flow to dry behind the walls.


Occupant did not want to lose business and remain trading while drying was taking place. The affected rooms were crucial for their operations. MCS worked with the client to place drying equipment which did not impede their operations and equipment was turned on after hours. This does prolong the drying process but this was understood and agreed by all parties (e.g. Occupant and Property Manager).

Structural Drying

This job was monitored three times to assess moisture in the walls. After three days all but one room was dry and the following day the last room was dry. MCS then glued back-on the curving after which no indication of water damage existed.